Archive for June 9th, 2011

Teens create FACE for Privacy

One of the most interesting aspects I found when watching Danah Boyd’s video on Embracing a Culture of Connectivity was hearing how young adults are redefining our ideas of social privacy. Boyd shared a quote from a young teen who said “I think privacy is more just you choosing what you want to keep private about yourself“. This teen also goes on to state that she believes Facebook lets individuals define their privacy. These young people are growing up in an environment which is openly accessible at all times by other people. Facebook has become their version of  what was a memory or scrapbook for us. I decided to dig a bit deeper into Danah Boyd’s blog and read “Social Privacy in Networked Publics: Teens’ Attitudes, Practices, and Strategies”. It is unfinished, but reveals an interesting teen’s eye view to privacy within social networks.